Hybrid Rhododendron 'Norm Beaudry' (Joseph Minahan) †
Growing Rhododendrons and General Information
- Download our plant care guide for Azaleas & Rhododendrons.
- 10 Steps to Growing Rhododendrons and Azaleas
- Rhododendron Basics by Harold Greer including Requirements, Diseases, Non-Disease Problems, Insects, Pruning, Deadheading and Propagation
- Caring for Rhododendrons in Winter
- Rhododendron & Azalea Propagation
- Download The ABC's of Hybridizing Rhododendrons by chapter member and accomplished hybridizer, Tom Ahern.
- Download The ABC's of Growing Rhododendron Seedlings by Tom Ahern.
- Henning's Rhododendron & Azaleas Pages- The leading, non-commercial website devoted to sharing practical information on growing and enjoying rhododendrons. Created and maintained by Delaware Valley Rhododendron Society member Steve Henning.
- Propagation of rhododendrons from cuttings by Steve Henning.
- The American Rhododendron Society The international society promoting interest in and information about the genus Rhododendron.
- The ARS Fall 2009 Eastern Regional Conference Plant Sale Catalog Photos and descriptions of the nearly 300 varieties of rhododendrons & azaleas sold at the conference plant sale. Most of these plants have a connection to Pennsylvania such as the hybridizer, grower, or registration.
- Rhododendra: Rhododendron & Azaleas Information & Photos a recreation of the Hirsutum website by John Verwolf of the Victoria Chapter with 17,500 rhododendron species and cultivars listed.
Where to See Rhodies (Public Gardens Near Us)
- Jenkins Arboretum Website, Devon, PA - The Delaware Valley Rhododendron Society's home base, Jenkins Arboretum is one of Pennsylvania's major horticultural showcases of native trees, shrubs, rhododendrons, azaleas, laurel, blueberries, ferns and wildflowers. Included in the collection are rhododendron varieties from all over the world.
- Jenkins Arboretum Rhododendrons - The Rhododendrons at Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens, by Steven A. Wright
- John Wister Collection, Longwood Gardens Website, Media, PA. - View rhododendrons in the Hillside Garden, around the Italian Water Garden, and the south side of Peirce's Allée.
- Longwood Gardens Rhododendrons - A Century of Rhododendrons at Longwood Gardens, by Peter Zale
- Philadelphia, America's Garden Capital - Over 30 major gardens within 30 miles.
- Swarthmore College Scott Arboretum, Swarthmore, PA - 425-acre arboretum contains Dr. Wisters Rhododendron Dell.
- Tyler Arboretum Website, Media, PA. - Tyler's Wister Rhododendron Garden was started in earnest in 1946.
Tyler Arboretum Rhododendrons - Tyler Arboretum's Wister Rhododendron Garden, by Jerry O'Dell
- Winterthur Garden Website, Greenville, DE. - Azaleas are grouped in harmonious colors and pleasing contrast, naturalize every
terrain and contour and bloom for almost four months - H. F. du Pont
- Winterthur Rhododendrons - Azaleas & Rhododendrons at Winterthur, by Linda Eirhart
What, Where & How to Acquire Rhodies for Your Garden
Mail Order Sources
- Van Veen Nursery - Van Veen Nursery is a non-profit rhododendron nursery owned by the Portland Chapter of the ARS. This nursery will root your cutting or sell plants propagated from their stock plants. Operating since 1962, they have an extensive number of varieties including many that are not available in the trade.
- Whitney Gardens & Nursery - Operating since 1955, they are one of a very few rhododendron nurseries remaining that ship. They offer rhododendrons & azaleas, maples, magnolias, kalmia, conifers, camellias, and perennials.
- Plant Addicts - Family owned reseller of a wide variety of bushes, perennials, annuals, succulents, and more.
Member Blog - Random Contributions by Members
American Rhododendron Society Links
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