Members Area

Hybrid Rhododendron 'Cyclops' (Ron Rabideau)

Bronze Medal Recipients

The Bronze Medal was authorized by the American Rhododendron Society in 1967, the same year the Valley Forge Chapter was welcomed into the American Rhododendron Society. The Bronze Medal Award was created to recognize Society members who make outstanding contributions to a Chapter, which may include accomplishments of the recipient outside the Chapter consistent with the goals of the Society. It is the highes award, an American Rhododendron Society Chapter can bestow on one of its members. The award consists of an engraved medal and a certificate citing the recipient's accomplishments. A committee of Bronze Medal recipients is responsible for nominating award recipients. Congratulations to the following members of the Greater Philadelphia and Valley Forge chapters who received the American Rhododendron Society Bronze Medal:

Ron Rabideau presents Gary Ammon the Bronze Medal

Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Bronze Medal Recipients

2023  Gary D. Ammon

2021  Paul Beck

2021  Kim Kopple

2021  Craig Conover

2021  Carolyn Beck

2021  Kate Deregibus

2018  Maris Ogg

2011  Myo Myint

2008  Linda Hartnett

2006  Karel F. Bernady

2004  Tom Lloyd

2004  Pauline Raughley

2004  Francis Raughley

2004  Cathy Keim

1999  Randall L. Dalton

1999  Michael Martin Mills

1998  Howard D. Roberts

1994  Brian T. Keim

1993  Marshall (Bud) Gressman

1993  Marilyn Gressman

1993  Judi Meade

1993  Bob Wilkinson

1988  Renee Miller

1988  Poly Hill

1988  Ken Miller

1986  Dan Layman

1986  Betts Layman

1985  Theodore S. Stecki

1984  Walter Kern

1984  Elaine Kern

1983  Lloyd E. Partain

1980s Dr. Franklin West

1978  G. Albert Reid

1971  Charles Herbert

1971  Al Martin

Valley Forge Chapter
Bronze Medal Recipients

2022 Karel F. Bernady

2022 Perc Moser

2019 Alice & Bob Horton

2016 Charlie Odenweller

2010 Chris & Bob Smetana

2007 Mimi Favre

2007 Darlene & Steve Henning

2006 William Dennis

2006 Tony & Penny D'Alessandro

2006 Mary Alice Snyder

2001 Sylvia Green

2000 William D. Perry

2000 W. Robert Stamper

2000 Margaret Fawcett

2000 Bonie Marcus Bennett

1997 Ruth & William Miller

1997 Nancy Greenwood

1997 Frank Brouse

1997 Ann & Winfield Howe

1995 Harold Sweetman, Ph. D.

1995 Barbara Ludwig

1994 Eva & Noel Jackson

1992 William & Ellen Steele

1992 Pauline Raughley

1992 John & Bette Gross

1992 Donald H. Mannion

1991 James D. Gears

1991 Howard R. Kline

1987 S. Reid Warren III & Joan

1987 Robert & Helene Huber

1986 Francis H. Raughley, Jr.

1984 Fred S. Winter MD, & Barbara

1983 Lloyd E. Partain (Phila. Chapter)

1982 Ross Davis, Jr.

1981 Al & Edna Curley

1980 Clarence & Evelyn Rahn

1979 Dr. Carol High

1978 Ethel Herbert

1972 Charles Herbert (Phila. Chapter)

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Officers for 2024-2025

The chapter's first officers elected were left to right: Bob Smetana, treasurer; Karel Bernady, president; Kim Kopple, secretary; and Jerry O'Dell, vice president.

Stuart Brooks-President   ('24-'25) 
Perc Moser-Vice President   ('24-'26)  Program Committee: Co-Chair
Bob Smetana-Treasurer   ('23-'26)  Finance Committee: Chair
Kim Kopple-Secretary   ('23-'26)   

Mimi Favre   (2024-2027) 
Maris Ogg   (2023-2027)  Membership Committee: Co-Chair
John Weygandt   (2024-2027)   
Bill Halberstadt   (2023-2025)   
Linda Hartnett   (2023-2025)  Plant Sale Committee: Tyler Chair
Michael Mills   (2023-2026)   Communications Committee: Chair
Ron Rabideau   (2023-2026)    
Kathy Woehl   (2023-2026)   Program Committee: Banquet

Additional Committee & Subcommittee Chairs:
Karel Bernady    Plant Sale Committee: Propagation Chair
Steve Henning    Website Subcommittee: Chair
Jerry O'Dell    Program Committee: Co-Chair
Steve Wright     

Note: Click on the committee's name to see the committee's charter.

The 2025 schedule for the Board of Directors' Tuesday meetings at Jenkins at 7:00 PM is: Jan. 21, Mar. 18, May 20, Jul. 15, Sep. 16, Nov. 18.

Bylaws of the Delaware Valley Chapter of the ARS

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Documents Archive

Membership Application

Membership Applications (3)

Renewal Forms for Members (2)

Renewal Forms for Associate Members (2)

DVARS Trifold Brochure

Rhododendron & Azalea Fundamentals

2-year grafted in one-gallon pots list

Rooted cuttings in 3.5-inch pots list

Bylaws of the Delaware Valley Chapter of the ARS

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Founding of the Philadelphia Chapter in 1957

Seventeen devotees of the genus Rhododendron gathered on Nov. 11, 1957, at Morris Arboretum and founded the Philadelphia Chapter, the ARS's 12th. In 1989, the chapter name was changed to the Greater Philadelphia Chapter. Since its founding, the chapter has convened at the arboretum, St. Joseph's University, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Fairmount Park's Horticulture Center, and again at Morris. Betsi Kelius and Charles Herbert were driving forces at the beginning, joined by Morris's director J. M. Fogg Jr. Among the early luminaries were John and Gertrude Wister, Franklin West and Al Martin. Four times the chapter has been cohost of the ARS national convention,1971, 1976, 2004 and 2019. Through it all, thousands of new hybrids have been brought into existence, millions of propagations made and uncountable friendships cemented over the love for this phenomenal genus.

Founding of the Valley Forge Chapter in 1967

Charlie Herbert and 15 friends founded the Valley Forge Chapter, American Rhododendron Society on March 1, 1967. At the May, 1967 ARS Annual Meeting in Asheville, NC, ARS President Edward B. Dunn welcomed Valley Forge Chapter. It was the 23rd chapter. The Valley Forge chapter came in with 16 members and 10 associate members, that is members of other chapters who desired to be affiliated with the new group also. The officers were: Pres. Charles W. Herbert, Phoenixville Pa.; Vice Pres. - Oscar F. Krebs, Norristown, Pa., and Sec.-Treas.; Mrs. Ruth Amenda, Perkiomenville, Pa. After meeting at Charlie Herbert's home for a few years, the meetings were moved to the Valley Forge Methodist Church and then Jenkins Arboretum where the Executive Director, Harold Sweetman, said that Jenkins was the chapter's Club House. In 1972 the Test Garden at Tyler was established by Philadelphia and Valley Forge Chapters. The area was about one fourth planted, by springtime with over one hundred plants. The two chapters also worked together on ARS Conventions, the Philadelphia Flower Show, and many other events.

Founding of the Delaware Valley Chapter in 2023

The seed for the eventual merger of the Greater Philadelphia and Valley Forge Chapters was planted on June 2, 2015. Greater Philadelphia President Kim Kopple proposed to Valley Forge President Robert Smetana that the boards of the Greater Philadelphia and Valley Forge Chapters of the ARS hold a joint meeting. The meeting was held at Jenkins Arboretum. After each board met separately to tend to chapter-specific affairs, the two sets of officers and directors sat down together and talked. There was an agenda, but, as Michael Mills put it in the RhodoGravure, not “an agenda” on anyone’s part. The word merger was carefully avoided. It quickly became evident that all in attendance were interested in finding ways to cooperate, streamline, and avoid duplicate ARS activities. Everyone was aware that our membership rosters were aging. In recent years, there were two recurring combined activities: the annual joint meeting in February and the truss show, which alternated yearly between the two chapters. All agreed that these were fine successes. One decision by the group involved each chapter’s annual banquet. Going forward, neither chapter would have a monthly meeting the same month as the other chapter’s banquet and both banquets will be listed as chapter meetings for both chapters. Another level of agreement was that Valley Forge members would be invited to join Greater Philadelphia’s propagation program by helping stick cuttings and make grafts. In turn, Greater Philadelphia would include Valley Forge members in its plants-for-members program. These changes were very well received. (1)

It wasn't until 2/24/2021 that talks, via Zoom, of merger were literally in the air when a joint committee of GP and VF members met. Elements of merger were definitely contemplated like combining banquets, truss shows, plant sales, newsletters, bylaws and websites. The joint truss show would be at Jenkins Arboretum. For the other items, the chapters' boards each appointed three individuals to serve as a joint committee to explore the chapters' futures and make recommendations to the boards. In the meantime, Valley Forge obtained a memorandum of understanding with Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens. (2)(3)

The pandemic put a crimp in the committee's work, but on March 22, 2023, the committee met in earnest. The committee members were Perc Moser, Bob Smetana and Steve Wright from Valley Forge and Gary Ammon, Karel Bernady and Maris Ogg from Greater Philadelphia. The committee and the two chapter boards believed there were numerous advantages to merging, at a time when attendance had been declining, the average age of members had been rising and the Greater Philadelphia Chapter was in search of a new meeting place. The chapters had already combined the truss show, the annual picnic and the annual February joint meeting, and had together met the challenge of hosting national and regional ARS conferences. The committee and the boards believed that a full merger was the best way forward and that it was time to accomplish it. (4)

Gary Ammon prepared the new set of bylaws and saw to legal details. The surviving chapter was the Greater Philadelphia Chapter because it had a Pennsylvania Sales Tax Exemption. The officers and board members came in equal numbers from each chapter. Bud Gressman, a CPA, was called upon to review the books of each chapter and found they were in order. The secretaries reviewed the past 2 years of the other’s Board minutes. Things moved quickly and the merger was finalized at the annual picnic on June 18, 2023, at the Bryn Mawr home of Perc and Sally Moser, the combined membership inaugurated the Delaware Valley Chapter by adopting a new set of bylaws and electing officers and directors. (5)(6)(7)


  1. Summer 2015, RHODOGRAVURE, "A notable meeting"
  2. Feb. 24, 2021, Joint committee minutes.
  3. 2022 Memorandum of Understanding with Jenkins
  4. Mar. 22, 2023, Joint committee minutes.
  5. April 14, 2023 Announcement of Merger Approval
  6. May 28, 2023, Merger Agreement
  7. June 18, 2023, Bylaws of the Delaware Valley Chapter

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Past Presidents

The Delaware Valley Rhododendron Society's first officers elected were left to right: Bob Smetana, treasurer; Karel Bernady, president; Kim Kopple, secretary; and Jerry O'Dell, vice president.

Delaware Valley Rhododendron Society Past Presidents

2023-2024  Karel F. Bernady

Greater Philadelphia
Chapter Past Presidents

2020-2023  Ron Rabideau

2017-2020  Craig Conover

2014-2017  Kim Kopple

2012-2014  Maris Ogg

2008-2012   Linda Hartnet

2006-2008  Michael Martin Mills

2002-2006  Karel F. Bernady

1999-2002  Cathy Keim

1997-1999  Tom Conover

1993-1997  Howard Roberts

1990-1993  Brian T. Keim

1988-1990  Betts Layman

1986-1988  Brian Keim

1984-1986  Norman Summer

1982-1984  Daniel M. Layman

1980-1982  Wilburn Smith

1978-1980  Vernon Quarles

1976-1978  Ed Collins

1974-1976  George Muller

1972-1974  Ken Miller

1970-1972  Emerson Reed

1969-1970  John Schamenek

1968-1969  Sylvester Hubbard

1966-  Francis J. Sholomskas

1965-1968  George Arrington

1964-1965  James Beury

1962-1964  John Schamenek

1961-1962  Raymond P. Jefferis

1960-1961  Charles Herbert

1958-1960  Betsi Kelius

Valley Forge
Chapter Past Presidents

2017-2023  Jerry O'Dell

2012-2017  Bob Smetana

2009-2012  Steve Henning

2005-2009  Bob Smetana

2002-2005  Joan Warren

2000-2002  Jim Gears

1996-2000  Robert Stamper

1994-1996  Winfield Howe

1990-1994  Eva Jackson

1988-1990  Jim Gears

1986-1988  Fred S. Winter MD

1984-1986  Francis H. Raughley, Jr.

1980-1984  Dr. Fred S. Winter

1978-1980  Clarence Ziegler

1976-1978  John H. Topp

1974-1976  Carol J. High VMD

1973-1974  Frank C. Kunze

1971-1973  Robert R. Huber

1969-1971  Lewis Bagoly

1967-1969  Charles Herbert

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In Memory of Those We Lost

Howard Kline

Pauline Raughley

Alice Horton

Frank Brouse

Nancy Greenwood

Sad News: Howard Kline passed away on September 10, 2024 at age 98. Howard was an avid hybridizer. One of his hybrids, 'Catherine Josephine' shown above, was selected to be grown in the American Rhododendron Society Test Garden at Tyler Arboretum. The flower is an uncommon and elegant combination of purple tones, with the distinctive basal blotch. Howard named "Catherine Josephine" after his wife who died in 1993. The VF Chapter awarded Howard the Bronze Medal, it's highest award, 1991. It read:

Howard R. Kline: You have given unselfishly and generously of your time and knowledge to this chapter: as a general member, member of the board, active participant in numerous committees, and as treasurer. But we value you not only for your unstinting support, dedication, and the high standards that you have set but appreciate and respect you also as a friend and mentor. You have shared with us quietly and graciously your plants as well as your expertise as eminently qualified plantsman, propagator, and hybridizer of our favorite genus, it is with extreme pleasure and gratitude that we present to you the highest chapter award, the Bronze Medal, on this day, November 15, 1991.

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Sad News: Pauline Raughley passed away on October 15, 2023. She was 101. Pauline was a never-fail contributor of baked goodies for the refreshment table, and she always worked as a clerk for the truss show. The VF Chapter awarded Pauline the Bronze Medal, it's highest award, 1992, Francis had received the Bronze Medal in 1986. The Greater Philadelphia Chapter awarded Pauline and Francis the Bronze Medal in 2004. It read:

The Bronze Medal is awarded to Francis and Pauline Raughley for indefatigable service to this Society. Francis' traveling emporium of garden books has afforded untold numbers of gardeners with access to the best and latest publications. Pauline's contributions to the meeting larder are a constant treat, and her able assistance with the annual flower competition is invaluable. Their notable garden is always open to garden enthusiasts, and in 2004 was chosen for the Annual Convention's tours. For their generosity and unceasing willingness to pitch in and work for the genus Rhododendron, for the wider world of gardening and for this chapter, we are honored to salute them with our highest award.

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Sad News: Alice Horton passed away on August 14, 2023. She and Bob joined the Valley Forge Chapter in 2009. She was in charge of the Valley Forge Chapter plant sale for many years and was a Director for the Delaware Valley Rhododendron Society. The VF Chapter awarded Alice and Bob the Bronze Medal, it's highest award, on November 10, 2019:

Since becoming members of the Valley Forge Chapter you both have been very active in supporting many Chapter activities and your willingness to take on more responsibilities has been admirable. Alice, from the outset your skill in running a plant sale was apparent as you successfully managed the greenhouse and perennial plant sales portion of our Annual Plant Sale. When the Chapter was in need of a Chair for the Plant Sale Committee, without hesitation you volunteered for the role and have successfully managed the entire Plant Sale for the last two years. ... In addition, both of you have broadened your Chapter responsibilities and are presently serving on the Board of Directors, Alice as Vice-President and Bob as Director.

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Sad News: Frank Brouse passed away on July 5, 2023. He joined the Valley Forge Chapter in 1968, a year after it was founded. He was the longest tenured ARS member in the Delaware Valley Chapter. The VF Chapter awarded Frank the Bronze Medal, it's highest award, on November 9, 1997:

Over a period of many years you have provided your expertise in propagating plants for our members and for the Jenkins Arboretum with which the chapter is so closely associated. You have spent much time, with others, in the gathering of cuttings of species and hybrids by hybridizers in the Northeast US for the "Jenkins Project." You have provided a broad spectrum of choice shrubs and trees for our many plant sales and assisted in making those functions successful. You have served on the chapter's Board of Directors for several terms and your input and guidance has been appreciated. Again, many thanks.

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Sad News: Nancy H. Greenwood, of Wayne, Pa., died peacefully in her sleep on April 21, 2023. She was a lifelong gardener and lover of plants and flowers, and she volunteered over many years with the Philadelphia Flower Show, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and Jenkins Arboretum. The VF Chapter awarded Nancy the Bronze Medal, it's highest award, on November 9, 1997:

In the years that you have been a member of the chapter, you have given generously and enthusiastically of your energy, time, vast horticultural knowledge, and organizational talent. You have served on a number of committees and projects, formally and informally; you have been an ambassador for the genus Rhododendron in your lectures to community organizations and in your other horticultural activities; and you have been an eminently qualified and effective salesperson at our annual chapter plant sales. Last but not least, as vice president and program chairperson for four long years, with your superb connections and perseverance, you brought us some of the best and most interesting topics and speakers. For all your efforts, named and unnamed, for your friendship and loyalty, and for your sharing nature, we are very grateful and consider you most deserving of this award.

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Recipients of donations from the Delaware Valley ARS Chapter *

  • ARS/Tyler Rhododendron Test Garden - The ARS and Tyler Arboretum formed a partnership to establish a test garden for new rhododendron varieties created by Mid-Atlantic hybridizers. The half-acre test and display garden will feature cultivars recently hybridized in the Mid-Atlantic region. The goals are to seek elepidote rhododendrons (large-leaf, evergreen hybrids) with less common coloration and moderate stature, record their performance over several years, and to publish the assessments of the trials. This garden will help educate visitors to understand how to grow and care for them. Funding is shared 50:50 between the ARS and Tyler. For more information visit the article on ARS-Tyler Rhododendron Test Garden in JARS.

  • ARS Endowment Fund - The ARS Endowment Fund income is used to provide grants to worthwhile projects and activities in accordance with the Society's mission. Some recent grants have been:
    • Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden: Plant Acquisition and Signage
    • Horticulture Centre of the Pacific in Victoria: Container Demonstration Garden
    • Tyler Arboretum Hybrid Rhododendron Test Garden
    • VanVeen Heritage Garden: Plant Information Tag Project
    • Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens: Rhododendron Propagation Facilities
    • Meerkerk Gardens: A Hybridizers Tribute Garden

  • ARS Research Foundation - The Research Foundation of the ARS funds scientific research projects. Information derived from the projects yield practical benefits for growing or enjoying rhododendrons, or yield new insights into the biology, geographical distribution or history of rhododendrons. Some recent grants have been:
    • Eureka Chapter/Humboldt Botanical Gardens Foundation
    • ARS NextGen Committee
    • Holden Forests and Gardens
    • Noyo Chapter/Mendocino Botanical Garden
    The results of a grant was published in the Fall 2021 JARS: Soil Microbes Protect Rhododendron from the Oomycete Pathogen Root Rot (Phytophthora cinnamomi).

  • Jenkins Arboretum - Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens is in an area with a very long history of botany and horticulture going back to the 1700s when John and William Bartram started America's first botanical garden in Philadelphia. With this history and appreciation for the natural world, H. Lawrence Jenkins thought to preserve his property. Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens opened in 1976, providing a tranquil escape from the bustling Philadelphia suburbs, being open every day of the year with free admission. Perhaps more importantly, Jenkins has become one of the region's great horticultural and environmental assets, now preserving a total of 48 acres of natural woodland and utilizing native plants in the landscape. In 2019 Jenkins reported the total number of rhododendron and azaleas plants currently in the Jenkins world-class collection is 4,612.

  • Rhododendron Species Foundation - The Rhododendron Species Foundation is dedicated to the conservation, research, acquisition, evaluation, cultivation, public display, and distribution of Rhododendron species. The Foundation provides education relating to the genus and serves as a unique resource for scientific, horticultural and general gardening communities worldwide.

  • Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy - SAHC conserves unique plant and animal habitat, clean water, farmland, scenic beauty, and places for people to enjoy outdoor recreation in the mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina. Native azaleas grow there in abundance. SAHC actively works to maintain natural collections of native azaleas.

  • Tyler Arboretum - Tyler Arboretum is a place of natural beauty and history dating back to the time of William Penn. Tyler's Wister Rhododendron Garden was started in earnest in 1946 by Dr. John Caspar Wister to “present in an orderly way as many possible representatives of the different series, species, and hybrids of rhododendrons and azaleas to give a long season of bloom and attractive color harmony that would inspire more and better rhododendron and azalea planting in the Philadelphia area, and that it would be used by expert growers for serious study.” Tyler fulfills its mission through quality educational programs, extensive horticultural collections and displays, preservation of its historic buildings and stewardship of 650 acres of woodlands, meadows and stream valleys. Visitors to the Wister Rhododendron Garden are able to see a wide array of rare plants, enjoy a beautifully designed and maintained landscape, and take home ideas for their own gardens.

* These are charitable organizations that the chapters that merged to form the Delaware Valley Chapter of the ARS supported.

† 'Cyclops' photo was submitted by Ron Rabideau with his nomination for the ARS/Tyler Test Garden in 2022.

The background photo is courtesy of Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens, Devon, PA (2017).

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